Thursday, December 28, 2006

Burn, Baby BURN!

Flashing the PSP Firmware can be a Tricky Experience, do it wrong and you BRICK it, rendering your PSP, unusable (Dead!). So you don't want to try it willy-nilly, huh?

For this reason, I have been using the HEND (Homebrew ENcoder D) on my 2.71 Firmware, as intermediary step...Waiting for a RELIABLE Downgrader.

Model of the Motherboard is Important too, mine was TA-082.

Yesterday, December 27th 2006, THE Downgrader was released. The News release read like this:

2.71 TA-082 Firmware PSP's Now able to Downgrade!

Yashamaru, the only one I trust for this, did the downgrade.

No Bricks, no butts and no sorrows. The operation took fine, and I'm at firmware 1.50 without having to use Hend. everything is working fine.

Homebrewers!! You Are Awesome!!


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